Outreach and Education


KIWA has contracted with city, county, and statewide governmental agencies for decades to carry out a variety of outreach and education services to immigrant workers, small businesses, tenants, and other hard-to-reach populations.

Lead Hazard Remediation: KIWA contracts with the Los Angeles Housing Department to conduct outreach and application assistance for the Lead Hazard Remediation Program (LHRP), which provides grants to property owners to make their properties lead-safe and to eliminate health and safety hazards. The LHRP grants are primarily targeted to low-income families with children under the age of six. The program also provides education regarding the dangers of lead-based paint and health and safety hazards.

Immigration Outreach and Education: In partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), KIWA carries out outreach and community education around immigrants’ rights, including legal advice on how to change your immigration status, information and referrals for application assistance for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Naturalization, Other Immigration Remedies (OIR), and immigration protections for Unaccompanied Undocumented Minors (UUMs).

Stop The Hate: In collaboration with the AAPI Equity Alliance and administered through the California Department of Social Services KIWA provides direct services, prevention services, and intervention services for victims of hate.

Public Awareness and Community Outreach for CA Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications: In 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom created a new Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications (OCPSC) to take on the critical role of managing priority public education and community engagement efforts and providing ongoing support to community-based organizations (CBOs). In partnership with OCPSC, KIWA provides outreach and education on extreme heat, water conservation, vaccine equity, and the individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).

California COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project: Through the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), KIWA is part of the California COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project (CWOP). This program helps workers understand how to continue to stay safe during public health pandemics by providing outreach and education on workplace health and safety, worker leave, and pay benefits, including supplemental paid sick leave and anti-retaliation protections.